Financial planning

Growing your financial position or developing goals to work towards is an important step in your wealth creation journey. Whether you are just starting out, planning for retirement or looking for security for your family, our approach is focused on where you are currently at in life and where you hope to get to.

At Loan Studio, our dedicated financial advisor has a variety of products available to manage, preserve and create wealth to suit your individual needs. Our specialist advisory service takes you through each step;

Investment Advice

Investment Advice

Plan for the future with a smart Investment Strategy

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Protecting your family with a tailored Insurance Plan

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Approach Retirement with confidence       

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Be proactive about your Superannuation            

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Self Managed Super Funds

Self Managed Super Funds

Actively control your future lifestyle with a SMSF

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Financial Advice

Whether it is early retirement, financial security for your children, travel, or a dream holiday house, sound advice and smart financial planning can help make the most out of every opportunity. Providing conflict free advice and a holistic, transparent strategy to help you achieve your financial goals, Loan Studio in house Financial Advisor, Brendon Honeyford of Greythorn Financial Service can set you on the right path to control your future.


Brendon Honeyford

ASIC Adviser identification number: 1232925

As Director of Greythorn Financial Services Pty Ltd, with a Bachelor of Business (majoring in Marketing) and a Diploma of Financial Planning, Brendon holds over 18 years’ experience in the financial planning industry.


He is a passionate, motivated and highly experienced Senior Financial Planner with a strong belief that the creation, instigation and ongoing maintenance of a financial plan is the cornerstone of financial independence. 


3 mins - What can a Financial Advisor do for you?


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