Financial planning


It’s often the ‘elephant in the room’, most know what it is, but few know the detail of their individual superannuation position, and consider it an issue to review in later life. When put in the context of your superannuation being your next largest asset after your home, it certainly makes sense to become a little more involved in its management and growth!

Periodic review of your superannuation can highlight opportunities to consolidate funds supplement with additional contributions and minimise administration and reporting fees. In addition, there are opportunities to use your superannuation for further investments and tax reduction strategies, if you opt for a self managed superannuation structure. There is also retirement planning opportunities for further concessions and savings for those on pension schemes.

Loan Studio Financial Advisor, Brendon Honeyford, can take you through a review of your superannuation scheme to ensure it aligns with your overall retirement goals and investment strategy.


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