
Concierge service

The smart way to organise moving home! Moving into a new home, whether it’s your first, second or fifth, is always an exciting time - exploring your new area, shopping for new furniture pieces and décor!

But, of course, there is such a lot to organise and not enough hours in the day! So, why not off load some of the running around, by outsourcing the service provider connections?

Just select the services you are interested in, such as energy, water and broadband and we will let you know what plans and services are available at your new address. We can even help you with quotes for moving, maintenance and exit cleaning, and our service is absolutely free!

To get you started we have collated all of the questions we have been asked by our first home buyer clients, check out our First Home Buyer FAQs, or download our handy First Home Buyer Checklist.


With hundreds of videos, fact sheets and blog articles #AskLoanstudio is your very own financial info hub. 
Take a look at our recent articles on Property.

BLOG Towards 2019 what next for the housing market

Towards 2019: What next for the housing market?

The Australian residential housing market has been highly variable this year, and we’ve seen some highlights as well as....
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BLOG Should you live in your house while you renovate

Should you live in your house while you renovate

It can be tempting to stay in your home when you’re renovating, rather than spending money on rent. But is it really a good....
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BLOG Is buying to flip still viable in todays market

Is buying to flip still viable in today's market?

With the property boom of recent years and the popularity of TV renovation shows like The Block and House Rules, increasing....
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BLOG How to negotiate in a softer housing market

How to negotiate in a softer housing market

Seller expectations are high but buyers want low prices – what’s to be done? Two real estate agents detail how to negotiate....
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