Blogs and Articles

Mattresses, mortgage brokers and disappearing elephants

Just the other day I was looking into getting a n... Read more >
BLOG Why some interest only borrowers are keen to switch

Why some interest-only borrowers are keen to switch

New government regulations mean interest-only loans are on the decline. Given the changes, it may be time to reconsider your own loan structure.
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BLOG Towards 2019 what next for the housing market

Towards 2019: What next for the housing market?

The Australian residential housing market has been highly variable this year, and we’ve seen some highlights as well as lowlights. We look ahead at....
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BLOG Should you live in your house while you renovate

Should you live in your house while you renovate

It can be tempting to stay in your home when you’re renovating, rather than spending money on rent. But is it really a good idea? Consider the pros....
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BLOG Refinancing what you need to know

Refinancing - what you need to know

Confused about the ins and outs of mortgage refinancing? There are two key considerations when you’re looking at taking the step – why and how.....
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BLOG Is buying to flip still viable in todays market

Is buying to flip still viable in today's market?

With the property boom of recent years and the popularity of TV renovation shows like The Block and House Rules, increasing numbers of Australians....
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BLOG How to negotiate in a softer housing market

How to negotiate in a softer housing market

Seller expectations are high but buyers want low prices – what’s to be done? Two real estate agents detail how to negotiate in a declining....
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